lundi 29 août 2011

KOUBAA Mohamed Taher

The founder Expert in Environmental law


There is an increasing ,wordwide,concern over the environment and the means of improving the quality of life for the coming generations.Countries around the world are wxerting efforts on the industrial ,municipal and rural fronts to cut down on pollutants.

Despite of the publicity campaingns and the banners raised in defense of the environment ,pollution issus have become major concerns for government and public alike.Major projects and activities are beings launched and funded to resolve such issus by governments and privatsponsors.Such activities are implementing the most advanced technical and scientific methods and innovattions to tackle pollution problems and work towards preserving or reoestablishing the balance in ecosystems all over the world.

The major Arab conutries as Tunisia and the Kingdom of Saudia have taken big steps towards preserving its natural resources,establishing rules and regulations ,and coordinating efforts on all levels of government and indusrty in order to increase awareness on pollution issus and the continued need for wise usage of natural resources,

The founders propose to establish an environment organization Network in Tunisia with the Participation of Arabic and African countries in order to help fight pollution carrying out groundbreaking resaerch and increase populat awareness of environmental issus.

We aim to promote in support of sustainable development ,the integration of environmental and economic policies,technological innovation and diffution,and the protection of environmental issets and ecosystems.We aim to provide services promoting knowledg exchange with foreingn partners in the world.

In its endeavors to attain its goals.this organisation will associate with public sector,the civil associations.the education bodies,the research bodies,and the private sector.


The Environmental Organisation named :Arabic-African Network For the Environmental Cooperation “ANEC” aims to offer high quality environmental services and advice to the Arabic and Afican countries in this feald .It shall srive to become a major player in environmental area.


The “ANEC” aims to be the leading environmental player in the Arabic-Afican countries in ten years time of its establishment.

How to chieve our mission?

Main issues to be addressed are:

- Environment issues related to economic and development activities.

- Local,regional and international partnership/cooperation aiming at the protection of the environment through establishing international funds dedicated to the support of Durable Development Efforts.

- Sharing experiences and methods that will help resolve pending and potential environmental problems.

- Developing methods for attracting the participation of non-governmental agencies and associations into the efforts of preserving the environment.

Areas of interest include:

- Waste Management

- Medical Waste Management

- Natural preservation

- The environment and Durable Development

- Environmental regulations

- Funding environmental projects.

- Environmental tourism

- The concept of environmental education and training

- Role of local and civil organisations in preserving the environment

- International treaties and agreements related to the environment

- Management of the Environment

- Waste Recyling

- Air pollution

- Environmental legislation.


A non-gouvernmental Organisation will be established in Tunisa with a pricipal office in Jeddah-Saudi Arabia and Morroco.This Organisation will furnish the legal framwork for operation.

It shall handle all education and trainig activities and to promote environmental awareness .

It shall also be involved in environmental and ecological consultancy at the technical,financial and legislatives levels.

The Founder Koubaa Mohamed in Environmental Workshop

Italia-Tunisian 1993

Areas of interest include:

- Environmental Information

- International legal consulting for environment Projects

- Technical consulting for environment Projects

- Financial consulting for environment Projects

- Consulting for companies creation,joint ventures,public relations ,research for finance,national abd ubternational partners .

- General information on International politics, legislation progrogrammers,initiatives affairs opportunities and actions plans.

- Incorporation of environment data base and active conferences.,exhibitions,and training activities.

- The Organisation shall accumulate information and documentation on environment fields ,being scientific technical, legal and financial.It shall provide information on scientific researvh in relevant fields.

We provide information about Sustainable Environment Development allowing interested parties to undertake each project and activity in manner which is both ecological and economical sustainable.

Our aim is to provide envirronmental services to public and private companies related to development of human activities.

Contact for information:KOUBAA Mohamed Taher

Jeddah –Saudi Arabia


KOUBAA Mohamed Taher

The founder Expert in Environmental law


There is an increasing ,wordwide,concern over the environment and the means of improving the quality of life for the coming generations.Countries around the world are wxerting efforts on the industrial ,municipal and rural fronts to cut down on pollutants.

Despite of the publicity campaingns and the banners raised in defense of the environment ,pollution issus have become major concerns for government and public alike.Major projects and activities are beings launched and funded to resolve such issus by governments and privatsponsors.Such activities are implementing the most advanced technical and scientific methods and innovattions to tackle pollution problems and work towards preserving or reoestablishing the balance in ecosystems all over the world.

The major Arab conutries as Tunisia and the Kingdom of Saudia have taken big steps towards preserving its natural resources,establishing rules and regulations ,and coordinating efforts on all levels of government and indusrty in order to increase awareness on pollution issus and the continued need for wise usage of natural resources,

The founders propose to establish an environment organization Network in Tunisia with the Participation of Arabic and African countries in order to help fight pollution carrying out groundbreaking resaerch and increase populat awareness of environmental issus.

We aim to promote in support of sustainable development ,the integration of environmental and economic policies,technological innovation and diffution,and the protection of environmental issets and ecosystems.We aim to provide services promoting knowledg exchange with foreingn partners in the world.

In its endeavors to attain its goals.this organisation will associate with public sector,the civil associations.the education bodies,the research bodies,and the private sector.


The Environmental Organisation named :Arabic-African Network For the Environmental Cooperation “ANEC” aims to offer high quality environmental services and advice to the Arabic and Afican countries in this feald .It shall srive to become a major player in environmental area.


The “ANEC” aims to be the leading environmental player in the Arabic-Afican countries in ten years time of its establishment.

How to chieve our mission?

Main issues to be addressed are:

- Environment issues related to economic and development activities.

- Local,regional and international partnership/cooperation aiming at the protection of the environment through establishing international funds dedicated to the support of Durable Development Efforts.

- Sharing experiences and methods that will help resolve pending and potential environmental problems.

- Developing methods for attracting the participation of non-governmental agencies and associations into the efforts of preserving the environment.

Areas of interest include:

- Waste Management

- Medical Waste Management

- Natural preservation

- The environment and Durable Development

- Environmental regulations

- Funding environmental projects.

- Environmental tourism

- The concept of environmental education and training

- Role of local and civil organisations in preserving the environment

- International treaties and agreements related to the environment

- Management of the Environment

- Waste Recyling

- Air pollution

- Environmental legislation.


A non-gouvernmental Organisation will be established in Tunisa with a pricipal office in Jeddah-Saudi Arabia and Morroco.This Organisation will furnish the legal framwork for operation.

It shall handle all education and trainig activities and to promote environmental awareness .

It shall also be involved in environmental and ecological consultancy at the technical,financial and legislatives levels.

The Founder Koubaa Mohamed in Environmental Workshop

Italia-Tunisian 1993

Areas of interest include:

- Environmental Information

- International legal consulting for environment Projects

- Technical consulting for environment Projects

- Financial consulting for environment Projects

- Consulting for companies creation,joint ventures,public relations ,research for finance,national abd ubternational partners .

- General information on International politics, legislation progrogrammers,initiatives affairs opportunities and actions plans.

- Incorporation of environment data base and active conferences.,exhibitions,and training activities.

- The Organisation shall accumulate information and documentation on environment fields ,being scientific technical, legal and financial.It shall provide information on scientific researvh in relevant fields.

We provide information about Sustainable Environment Development allowing interested parties to undertake each project and activity in manner which is both ecological and economical sustainable.

Our aim is to provide envirronmental services to public and private companies related to development of human activities.

Contact for information:KOUBAA Mohamed Taher

Jeddah –Saudi Arabia


KOUBAA Mohamed Taher

The founder Expert in Environmental law


There is an increasing ,wordwide,concern over the environment and the means of improving the quality of life for the coming generations.Countries around the world are wxerting efforts on the industrial ,municipal and rural fronts to cut down on pollutants.

Despite of the publicity campaingns and the banners raised in defense of the environment ,pollution issus have become major concerns for government and public alike.Major projects and activities are beings launched and funded to resolve such issus by governments and privatsponsors.Such activities are implementing the most advanced technical and scientific methods and innovattions to tackle pollution problems and work towards preserving or reoestablishing the balance in ecosystems all over the world.

The major Arab conutries as Tunisia and the Kingdom of Saudia have taken big steps towards preserving its natural resources,establishing rules and regulations ,and coordinating efforts on all levels of government and indusrty in order to increase awareness on pollution issus and the continued need for wise usage of natural resources,

The founders propose to establish an environment organization Network in Tunisia with the Participation of Arabic and African countries in order to help fight pollution carrying out groundbreaking resaerch and increase populat awareness of environmental issus.

We aim to promote in support of sustainable development ,the integration of environmental and economic policies,technological innovation and diffution,and the protection of environmental issets and ecosystems.We aim to provide services promoting knowledg exchange with foreingn partners in the world.

In its endeavors to attain its goals.this organisation will associate with public sector,the civil associations.the education bodies,the research bodies,and the private sector.


The Environmental Organisation named :Arabic-African Network For the Environmental Cooperation “ANEC” aims to offer high quality environmental services and advice to the Arabic and Afican countries in this feald .It shall srive to become a major player in environmental area.


The “ANEC” aims to be the leading environmental player in the Arabic-Afican countries in ten years time of its establishment.

How to chieve our mission?

Main issues to be addressed are:

- Environment issues related to economic and development activities.

- Local,regional and international partnership/cooperation aiming at the protection of the environment through establishing international funds dedicated to the support of Durable Development Efforts.

- Sharing experiences and methods that will help resolve pending and potential environmental problems.

- Developing methods for attracting the participation of non-governmental agencies and associations into the efforts of preserving the environment.

Areas of interest include:

- Waste Management

- Medical Waste Management

- Natural preservation

- The environment and Durable Development

- Environmental regulations

- Funding environmental projects.

- Environmental tourism

- The concept of environmental education and training

- Role of local and civil organisations in preserving the environment

- International treaties and agreements related to the environment

- Management of the Environment

- Waste Recyling

- Air pollution

- Environmental legislation.


A non-gouvernmental Organisation will be established in Tunisa with a pricipal office in Jeddah-Saudi Arabia and Morroco.This Organisation will furnish the legal framwork for operation.

It shall handle all education and trainig activities and to promote environmental awareness .

It shall also be involved in environmental and ecological consultancy at the technical,financial and legislatives levels.

The Founder Koubaa Mohamed in Environmental Workshop

Italia-Tunisian 1993

Areas of interest include:

- Environmental Information

- International legal consulting for environment Projects

- Technical consulting for environment Projects

- Financial consulting for environment Projects

- Consulting for companies creation,joint ventures,public relations ,research for finance,national abd ubternational partners .

- General information on International politics, legislation progrogrammers,initiatives affairs opportunities and actions plans.

- Incorporation of environment data base and active conferences.,exhibitions,and training activities.

- The Organisation shall accumulate information and documentation on environment fields ,being scientific technical, legal and financial.It shall provide information on scientific researvh in relevant fields.

We provide information about Sustainable Environment Development allowing interested parties to undertake each project and activity in manner which is both ecological and economical sustainable.

Our aim is to provide envirronmental services to public and private companies related to development of human activities.

Contact for information:KOUBAA Mohamed Taher

Jeddah –Saudi Arabia


أرسل الصفحة لصديق أوقات الصلاة في تونس

دليل جرائد تونس ... صحف ومجلات تونسية

dimanche 28 août 2011


Le ciment

le ciment de Jbel Ressas convoité


La Tunisie du bon sens

bon_sens.jpgLa critique est aisée, mais l’art est difficile. Cet adage s’applique parfaitement à la situation qui prévaut en Tunisie. Il est facile de dégager deux tendances qui se heurtent et se neutralisent au lieu d’unir leurs forces pour l’intérêt supérieur de la nation. La progression vers la stabilité et surtout le travail sérieux se trouve bloquée de ce fait.

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Tunisie : les directeurs des médias et la réforme de l’Information

STDM.jpgLe Syndicat Tunisien des Dirigeants des Médias (STDM) condamne toutes les proclamations et les agressions adressées aux médias par président de l’Instance nationale pour la Réforme de l’Information et de la Communication ou d’un membre de l’INRIC, visant à nuire à la réputation des médias et à affaiblir leurs positions.

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Tunisie : Scolaridée promet

Mehdi_Frikha.jpgLe jeune créateur tunisien Mehdi Frikha vise le développement de l’éducation au Maroc où il prévoit d’ouvrir un bureau. A travers sa plateforme Internet « Scolaridée », M. Frikha veut ainsi proposer une offre d’accompagnement scolaire aux populations du nord de l’Afrique.

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Tunisie : la croissance avec moins de sit-in

croissance.jpgM. Abdelhamid Triki, ministre de la Planification et de la Coopération internationale a déclaré que la Tunisie est en mesure de réaliser, un taux de croissance positif de 1%, avec l’arrêt des sit-in et grèves dans le pays.

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Tunisie : le last minute peut-il sauver la saison touristique ?

last_minute.jpg« Les réservations de dernière minute, seront décisives pour relancer le tourisme tunisien, notamment, après le tournant relativement positif qu'a connu la situation en Libye », a estimé Habib Ammar, directeur général de l'Office National du Tourisme Tunisien (ONTT).

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Tunisie-Boissons gazeuses : attention danger !

Boissons_gazeuses.jpgLes boissons gazeuses en provenance de l’étranger sont toxiques. Elles peuvent causer des maladies et d’autres aggravations pour les consommateurs. Ne jamais acheter et consommer des produits alimentaires inconnus et vendus sur les trottoirs avant de savoir leurs provenances. Tels sont les principaux messages du ministère de la Santé publique.

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Il est triste de constater ce déficit de tranquillité, voire cette absence de sécurité. Dans différentes régions du pays, des troubles éclatent spontanément. Des dommages... Lire la suite...

Pratiquement | Mercredi, 27 Avril 2011


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Gisèle Halimi est venue récemment en Tunisie, son pays natal, pour partager avec ses concitoyens les joies de la Révolution. Elle en parle avec ferveur... Lire la suite...

A La Une! | Mercredi, 20 Avril 2011

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  • TOP 5


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L'Espérance sportive de Tunis a raté l'occasion de prendre seule la tête du classement de la poule B de la ligue des champions d'Afrique après... Lire la suite...

Sport | Lundi, 15 Août 2011


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Stafim, concessionnaire des automobiles Peugeot pour la Tunisie, a reçu deux coups de frein en ce début d’année. Outre l’affaire de sa vente à la... Lire la suite...

Autos | Mercredi, 23 Mars 2011


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HP a annoncé, mercredi 20 avril 2011 l’intégration de 3PAR Utility Storage au sein de son offre HP Converged Infrastructure. « Le but est de... Lire la suite...

High Tech | Vendredi, 22 Avril 2011

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