mercredi 4 mai 2011

Not all noise and air pollution simulations are created equal.

Which software best meets your needs now? How can you avoid expensive upgrades and licenses later?

Use this free software comparison tool to compare features and capabilities. The simple format lets you add your own items for unbiased comparisons. You decide what you need and want in a software package. When it's time to compare prices, you can compare exactly what you're getting for your money and make your software decision with confidence.

Compare for yourself and see what makes SoundPLAN® the right software choice.

SoundPLAN noise and air pollution mapping software gives you exactly what you need for comprehensive project organization. It gives you flexible, comprehensive report capabilities, impressive graphics and money-saving cost vs. benefit assessments. It saves you time with its exclusive Dynamic Search calculation core. It saves you money now and in the future because SoundPLAN's one model for all size jobs means no hidden costs or expensive upgrades. It's the only software with unlimited project size in the most basic set-up.
The Choice is Simple, Once You Compare.

If you have any question please Contact Us or visit our website.

Soundplan International LLC | 80 E Aspley Lane | Shelton, WA 98584 - USA

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